17th Mar 2024

What's your biggest stress? And how can we serve you better?

Good day, dear community!

Thank G-d the sun is out, it's a little warmer, and the collective mood seems to be brighter!

However, the darkness is still very strong, and takes an incredible amount of energy to just get on the surface.

Every day, all that mundane responsibilities must be done regardless. Most of us are living in the survival mode.

But our nature is to be thriving. It takes the same amount of energy. In any case, we need fuel.

We have our own struggles like anyone else, but our mission is to serve YOU!

Please tell us how we can serve you better!

Of course the basic minimum would be "bring everything I ordered” - oh, sometimes life happens. Sometimes the farmers don't have enough and we try to substitute with something similar. Sometimes, the item accidentally gets into someone's else box. Sometimes, the eggs get crushed in transit, We are humans after all. Your understanding, patience , and encouragement is what keeps us going.

We hope that delivering all that nutrient-based food right to your door is helping you to tackle your daily life.

We pray that it helps you thrive!

We are here for you!

Next week is a Jewish holiday Purim. It's a super fun holiday where we

celebrate faith, courage, action, and refusing to bow down to tyranny. It’s commanded to be joyous and giving. It’s customary to give food baskets to friends and family. But also to the poor - enough for 2 meals. The baskets to the poor must be more valuable than to friends/family. Charity is the biggest element, especially on Purim. We are here to help. We can put together a basket for your friends/family in your neighborhood and deliver to them.

Let’s make it fun, let’s make this world a little better!

Happy Purim!