17th May 2024
‘Quick Bite’ Challenge & What’s Going On at Now Farms
Hello, dear friends and family!
We’re excited to share that your other favorite driver, Alysia, is traveling for us to the farms.
She’s helped us in so many areas already and we are appreciative of her continuous contribution to making delicious farm-fresh foods arrive at your door.
Additionally, our packing team is also growing.
Jordan, Alysia’s sister, is a leader in the team.
She and two other fun boys are helping get your produce packaged for you.
We’re constantly interviewing for drivers and appreciate your assistance.
Some of you will get the chance to meet Ramon.
Be on the lookout for new faces and familiar ones.
Please send all the questions about the products and any issues or concerns to me or John.
We’re also seeing some new faces within the Now Farms community, and so we want to shout thanks to all of you for the recommendations!
Please be patient with John as he only wants more of the already amazing people like you to be welcomed into the community.
Spring is well on the way and we’re all preparing for summer. Check the website regularly to make sure you get the seasonal fruits in their appropriate season. And of course, everyone is looking forward to strawberries… yum.
Lastly, we love everything that the city has to offer. Please share through a simple response to this email:
- Your favorite hole-in-the-wall, casual place to get a bite to eat.
- Your favorite inconspicuous coffee shop that offers expresso (John’s favorite).
- Your favorite family-friendly dining experience. (For when we come to visit you.)
We love to travel and we’ll use your suggestions to make more connections happen.
be on the lookout for upcoming events.
We hear from a lot of you that
you enjoy visiting Pennsylvania.
Please come visit us!
Much love from us,
Your Now Farms team