15th Oct 2023
NowFrams update.
My dears,
I'm trying my best to function. My heart is with my people, in Israel and everywhere else.
I can barely do my everyday responsibilities. Doing my best to keep the spirits high, but it's so not easy.
Friday was a difficult call not to send Lev to school. I just couldn't. my personal trauma of growing up in Kiev, getting ready for pogroms. Being a child and not understanding why I should be afraid of being harassed, threatened or even be killed by my neighbors... The latest events triggered all that darkness... Dealing with my personal trauma and fears, comforting my family and friends, here in US and in Israel. I love the unity of my people. Maybe we needed this horror in order to get us together. My friend from Miami felt so alone, her whole family is in Israel, she couldn't handle it all by herself, so she came to stay with us. I'm happy to be with her, being with her at the darkest moments. News that she receives daily. A 21 year old cousin. A brother. A friend. all dead. Friends that are still missing. Mom that is in the bomb shelter. My extended family that is not here in US, all of the relatives are in Israel. My friends. The land... And praying for peace in the world, for peace here in our homeland here. I don't think most people fully grasp the situation... Pray dears with all your might...
The NowFarms team is working hard to support us all. Our farmers, packers, drivers, our work behind the screens...
Thank you to all of you who supports us! Your words mean a lot to us, especially now.
May all beings find peace. Amen.
May all beings find peace. Amen.
As much as I would love to pretend that I'm Ok, it would be a big lie. We are not OK. Family and friends are not OK. Not in Israel, not here in US, not anywhere in the world. Trying not to mix business with personal life, but this business is my personal life. Our patrons are our family. And the family is in pain, with bleeding hearts. Jewish people all over the world are feeling betrayed and not safe. I write day and night, without sharing. It's too raw and too painful. The silence of many people hurts the most. As a post-Soviet Jew that was born and raised on the land of Babiy Yar, it's just too scary. Will my customers support and save me if they come for me? Or will my customers will come for me? You'd say it's far fetched, and I'm praying that it is,.. But history always repeats itself, and today feels like Never Again is Now... Please, if you find compassion in you, don't be quiet, speak up, support, just say something... Silence is a killer.