5th May 2023

Handling it all. My little rumblings of the week...

Hello dear community!Hope all is well.

My theme of the week is balancing life. How do you do it?

Family life, business/work, extended family and friends, self-care, self-development , relationships?

New projects, new sills, networking. Exercising. Reading.

Learning Torah. Meditating. Praying. Spiritual side of life…

All of the Big questions of Why, How, and Who…

Scheduling and keeping the appointments, in a timely manner…

Handling social media - sometimes it’s to stay in touch with people that are away, business /work related.

I left the homeschooling out, as our 10 year old is back to school.

Yes, it gave me more time, but all the chauffeuring round, homework, teacher’s communications, after-school

activities are there…Creating emotional support for the growing children… All the kudos to the homeschooling families!

Cooking and cleaning? Shopping?

For us women, we also need to find time, money, and energy to look “refreshed” somehow…

The social expectation to be in a specific weight category, to stay in the specific age category as well, fighting gravity, and ignoring the natural changes of aging. Hormonal changes? No, doesn’t exist, we tend to play that game… :)

Politics. Corruption. Wars. This world is something…

Some of us are super blessed with an incredible circle of loving people.

Some of us are lonely. Some of us are dreaming to have uninterrupted time alone. Some are dreaming about the chaos of life.

Yes, all that craziness can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels that there is no space or time to even breathe…

And here is where magic happens. This is where the grounding begins. Especially for Air (Vata) Dosha types.

To acknowledge the fullness of life and all the blessings.

Life to the full capacity. We all have our own struggles, each is on its own path. Everything has the right to exist. Nothing is wrong.

Sometimes, we can find ourselves not meeting all of our obligations. Some of our loved ones will be without the proper attention. Some will be left out. This is a very important lesson. That's where we must reassess our priorities and find a way to make better decisions. This is where the upgrade must be installed. This is where we must find even more time for prayers. Asking G-d for an upgraded vessel to be able to serve Him better. All of us are dreaming and praying for a better life, more money, better relationships and better lifestyle… But what is the purpose? Why do we want it or need it? To serve others better, or boosting the Ego? To become more distant from others, or to create stronger connection with G-d, ourselves and the community? So, when you find yourself grasping for a breath of air, thinking that you are sinking in life, just breathe. Feel all of those blessings in your life, all of your snuggles, all all of it. Be honest with yourself and others, do your best, and remember the purpose of all of it.. Remember who you are. Life is a quick blink, don’t get buried in all of that routine, embrace it… G-d will not give us something that we can’t handle. As long as we are awake enough to be grateful, and always remember who we are…

So, how can I serve you better? Imagine this is being asked instead of How are you?

Thanks for reading my ramblings :) Nothing new here. All I wanted to say, that you are never alone. Please reach out. To a friend or a family. To me, even if I’m super busy with my own stuff… You don’t have to be religious to pray. Spill it out to All Mighty. Ask for clarity and better solutions. Ask for the right people on your path… I’m praying for all of us that we are being heard and always supported.

I’m wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

A peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.

Congregation Beth Sholom, Anchorage Alaska